Agendas & Minutes
Municipal Utilities Board
Additional Documentation
Approved Minutes
Municipal Utilities Board
These meetings will include an agenda, which will specify their location. The date of any particular meeting may be changed by an appropriate motion of the Municipal Utilities Board. Nevada State Law requires that agendas list each item to be addressed at the meeting and that the agendas are posted three days prior to the meetings. The City of Ely posts agendas at City Hall, White Pine County Library, White Pine County Courthouse, and the United States Post Office.
Pursuant to Governor Sisolak’s Directive 033 adjusting Statewide standards on gatherings to 50 percent of occupancy or 250 people while maintaining social distancing and the March 20, 2020 White Pine County Public Health Decree requiring six-foot social distancing, the Municipal Utilities Board meeting can also be accessed via video conference/teleconference. Please call City Hall or email if you have questions regarding accessing the meeting.
Meeting Link. Meeting ID: 977 130 6332. Please Note: If you log on and experience difficulty hearing the meeting please also call the toll-free numbers. Dial by your location: +877-853-5247 US Toll-free +888-788-0099 US Toll-free.