Agendas & Minutes

City Council

Ely Mayor and City Council Members December 2020

City Council Members: Mayor Nathan Robertson, Council Member Terrill Trask, Council Member Melody Van Camp, Council Member Samantha Elliott, Council Member Dennis Perea, and Council Member Jerri-Lynn Williams-Harper.






City Council

City Council meetings take place the 2nd and 4th Thursday, except holidays, at the Ely Volunteer Fire Hall, 499 Mill Street, Ely, Nevada, 89301. Unless another location is specified on the agenda. The date of any particular meeting may be changed by an appropriate motion of the City Council. Special City Council meetings are held when required and agendas for these special meetings are posted three days prior to the meetings.

The Ely City Council meeting can also be accessed via video conference/teleconference. Please call City Hall or email if you have questions regarding accessing the meeting.

Meeting Link. Meeting ID: 977 130 6332. Please Note: If you log on and experience difficulty hearing the meeting please also call the toll-free numbers. Dial by your location: +877-853-5247 US Toll-free +888-788-0099 US Toll-free.

Terrill Trask

Terrill Trask

Council Member Seat 1

501 Mill Street
Ely NV 89301
(775) 289-2430 Ext. 227

Dennis Perea

Dennis Perea

Council Member Seat 4

501 Mill Street
Ely NV 89301
(775) 289-2430 Ext. 227

Melody Van Camp

Melody Van Camp

Council Member Seat 2

501 Mill Street
Ely NV 89301
(775) 289-2430 Ext. 227

Jerri-Lynn                  Williams-Harper

Jerri-Lynn Williams-Harper

Council Member Seat 5

501 Mill Street
Ely NV 89301
(775) 289-2430 Ext. 227

Samantha Elliott

Samantha Elliott

Council Member Seat 3

501 Mill Street
Ely NV 89301
(775) 289-2430 Ext. 227